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 by Jo Munton

Image by Becky Payne

September 15 - January16

Yn ystod y gaeaf/gwanwyn bydd Jo Munton, pypedydd a choreograffydd gyda theatr ieuenctid rhyngweithiol, yn gweithio gyda chydweithiwr, Owen Glynne Davies mewn ysgolion yn Nhal-y-bont a'r Borth i gynhyrchu Hydroscope.   


"Hoffem edrych yn greadigol ar themâu'n ymwneud â dŵr gyda disgyblion cyfnod allweddol 2 yn ysgolion cynradd Y Borth a Thal-y-bont.  Y nod fydd edrych ar faterion, agweddau, ffeithiau a storïau’n ymwneud â dŵr gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau a ffurfiau celf (gwahanol fathau o bypedau, barddoniaeth, dawns, "haka", paentio tywod ac animeiddio). Canlyniad hyn i gyd fydd sioe ar y diwedd.   Byddwn yn gwneud hyn yn ddwyieithog." 


During winter/spring Jo Munton, an experienced puppeteer and choreographer of interactive youth theatre, will work with colleague Owen Glynne Davies at the schools at Tal-y-bont and Borth to produce Hydroscope.


"We would like to facilitate collective creative explorations into water with the primary schools (key stage 2) in Borth and Tal-y-bont. The aim would be to explore the issues, attitudes, facts and stories surrounding water using a range of techniques and art forms (shadow puppetry, rod puppetry, poetry, dance, "haka", sand painting and animation) - the end result would be a show. We would achieve this bilingually".

Map Dwr Platform designed and curated by Tom Payne

Map Dwr Prints by Becky Payne

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