by Cymerau and partners
June 2015
Image by Becky Payne
Mae arlunwyr dan arweiniad Jenny Hall yn adeiladu Môr-ddraenog, sef adeiledd sy'n arnofio sy'n ennyn diddordeb pobl yn symudiad dŵr, llanw a thrai ac arsylwi'r môr. Bydd y Môr-ddraenog yn ganolbwynt cyfarfod lansio Cymerau yn Y Borth ar 20 Mehefin.
The Urchin is a waterborne sculpture and vessel that invites people into the wild at the threshold of land and water. Inherently playful, it can be rolled and spun on land, floated and flipped on water as well as offering itself as a life raft, precious safety net and shelter. Its hard exoskeleton shell holds a soft living body in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
It is an iterative creative experiment being explored by Jenny Hall and Craftedspace artists. It currently takes the form of a single steam-bent ash sphere.
At midsummer of 2015 it was launched into the Irish sea by Jo Shapland who devised a performance with the Urchin that explored the journey of a single drop of water from the source to the sea. Co-directed by Jenny Hall, the performance journey was made with artists Ariana Jordao and Jane Lloyd Francis and was accompanied by the Borth choir, Cor y Gors conducted by Nick Jones.